seda annual report 2022


Letter from

SEDA Chairman of the Board of Directors

Paul Hinchey
Chairman, Savannah Economic Development Authority
St. Joseph’s/Candler

The past year was a memorable one for the Savannah Economic Development Authority (SEDA) and for the entire region.  It was a testament to the fact that diligence, collaboration and dedication have vast rewards. 

Of course, the main headline of 2022 was the welcoming of Hyundai Motor Group to our region, and celebrating the largest economic development partnership in our state’s history. 

In addition to the 8,100 jobs that will be created by the automotive giant, the overall investment of $5.5 billion will forever change the landscape of Southeast Georgia.  Such an economic event has already proven to be a catalyst with far-reaching economic benefits: approximately $2 billion in additional investments are being realized from multiple suppliers for the automaker. 

None of this would have been possible without the collaborative efforts of Governor Brian Kemp, the State of Georgia and the Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority which includes Bryan, Bulloch, Chatham and Effingham counties.

In addition to the Hyundai announcement, the Savannah Regional Film Commission had a record-breaking year, creating $207 million in direct expenditures. Those efforts further spread the word about the iconic beauty and unique opportunities that our region offers the film industry.    

Meanwhile, World Trade Center Savannah continued its mission to assist the region attract foreign direct investment and to assist regional businesses grow internationally.

Thank you to the SEDA staff and Board of Directors for your tireless efforts to create opportunities for business expansion and development, further advance job growth and investments, and embolden our economic strength while powering the future of Savannah, Chatham and the surrounding regions. 

Please enjoy our enclosed report.

Paul Hinchey
Chairman, Savannah Economic Development Authority
St. Joseph’s/Candler

Letter from


Hugh “Trip” Tollison
President and CEO, Savannah Economic Development Authority

We are quite proud of our accomplishments this year, yet also realize we may never have another year quite like this one in our economic development lifetime.

What started out as “Project EA” ended up as our newest and greatest industrial project after only four to five months of site selection efforts. Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America and its suppliers will forever change our region and provide thousands and thousands of opportunities for citizens and newcomers to the Savannah region. But, everyone at this point is well aware of what is happening and what is to come.

What people may not know is how hard everyone worked on this project. From the State of Georgia to the Savannah Harbor Joint Development Authority (Savannah JDA), local governments, utility partners, etc., all involved worked tirelessly throughout 2022 and well into 2023.

I want to focus on the SEDA staff whose primary, collective goal is to market the Savannah region to facilitate jobs and investment. In addition, staff manages the day-to-day operations of the Savannah JDA. In 2022, it felt as if everyone’s workload tripled and time with families and friends became even more precious. Your SEDA staff delivered! They did so in grand fashion and supplied so much effort into the project and all of the other tasks within the organization which resulted in the best year for World Trade Center Savannah, Business Development and the Savannah Regional Film Commission.

I am so proud of Team SEDA, and I cannot thank them enough for such a fantastic year. We are also very thankful for such a supportive board of directors – especially all of the efforts within the executive committee. Finally, I want to thank Chairman Hinchey. His wise counsel and enthusiastic disposition really made a difference and for that, we are grateful.

Thank you for reading our 2022 Annual Report.

Hugh “Trip” Tollison
President and CEO, Savannah Economic Development Authority

Letter from


Laura Moore
Chairwoman, World Trade Center Savannah
Bank South

It has been such a pleasure and privilege to serve as the first Chairwoman of the World Trade Center Savannah Board of Directors.

In early 2012 my company (bank) was approached by the WTCSav staff about this new organization; they shared their goals, service offerings, connection with this unique global organization, the access and network of more than a million businesses around the world. Being in the banking industry, and always interested in ways to strengthen the businesses we served, I was intrigued and impressed that Savannah had a World Trade Center and could offer our region such global connection. We were convinced and my company (bank) became one of the first to partner with World Trade Center Savannah and we have never looked back. 

It has been another strong year for the organization as their reach and revenues increased. World Trade Center Savannah was recognized by the World Trade Centers Association, as only one of two in North America and seven globally, as a Premier Accredited Member with specializations in Trade Development and Business Member Services. 

We hosted our third Prosperity Through Trade luncheon with more than 530 in attendance and recognized Canadian based Anatolia Tile + Stone as the 2022 WTCSav International Business of the Year winner. We also had the pleasure of recognizing MAP International of Glynn County for their work providing medical and health supplies globally during the pandemic and for the conflict in Ukraine. There are so many businesses of varying sizes in this region that are doing amazing work and this is one small way to share their story and encourage others to reach beyond Georgia and the U.S. to strengthen and grow their own business. 

Our TradeBridge efforts with Southeast Ireland strengthened with our team visiting the economic development leadership of the five partnering counties of Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. The year ended with the visit of our TradeBridge counterpart from Ireland and a prospective company; seeing firsthand the dynamic place which we call home and the opportunities for trade for both our regions. 

The WTCSav team of professionals along with support from the college intern program accomplished so much and is always seeking ways to reach more regional companies and make connections throughout the world. I also want to thank the Savannah Economic Development Authority Board of Directors for their continued support, my fellow board members from throughout the region and the staff for allowing me to serve such a great organization. It is a true pleasure to lead this board and I look forward to seeing what exciting opportunities 2023 brings.

Laura Moore
Chairwoman, World Trade Center Savannah
Bank South