seda annual report 2022

Selling The Savannah Region

Savannah and SEDA recognized by economic development publication

For the fourth year in a row, SEDA was named a Mac Conway Award recipient by Site Selection magazine.

Noted in the magazine, “The economic development organizations profiled were recognized for contributing significantly to their locations’ investment attraction and job creation success in 2021. Named for Conway Data Founder Mac Conway, whose influence on the nascent economic development industry helped make it a key location differentiator, these awards recognize the efforts of those who worked tirelessly to bring projects large and small to their communities. They succeeded in differentiating their cities and towns from others that may have landed the capital investment projects, especially in a challenging economic climate.

Whether expansions of existing facilities or greenfield plants, local investment or foreign direct investment, cutting-edge industry or heritage, every project these agencies worked on helped increase the prosperity of the locations in which new projects are now happening. That’s the mission Mac Conway began championing many decades ago, and it is work being honored with the Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development.

Winning agencies are determined by an index of corporate facility investment as tracked by Site Selection’s proprietary Conway Projects database. Scores are awarded based on six criteria: total projects, total investment and total jobs associated with those projects. Three more criteria are per capita versions of those same metrics. We salute these agencies — specifically their leadership and staff — for their professionalism and commitment to job creation in their communities.”

St. Patrick’s Day and Thanksgiving Mailer

Anticipated by many are SEDA’s St. Patrick’s Day and Thanksgiving annual mailers. The mailers are SEDA’s opportunity to thank our partners and clients, showcase local products and sell the advantages of locating and expanding in the region.

The 2022 St. Patrick’s Day mailer featured Savannah’s local brewers Southbound Brewing Company, Coastal Empire Beer Co. and Service Brewing Co. And of course, River Street Sweets’s famous Savannah pecan pies were mailed out just in time for the Thanksgiving gatherings.

Savannah rolls out the carpet for Red Carpet Tour 2022

Hosted by the Georgia Chamber and Georgia Department of Economic Development, the annual Red Carpet Tour is a four-day annual event that showcases Georgia’s growing business industry and brings attention to existing investment and economic impact that occurs statewide.

In 2022, more than 30 site selectors, consultants and state partners spent 24 hours in Savannah to learn more about our business environment as well as experience Savannah’s world- renowned quality of life.

Red Carpet Tour guests enjoyed kayaking.

SEDA Annual Meeting

The Savannah Economic Development Authority hosted the SEDA Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 6. The meeting featured America’s first black female combat pilot, former Marine – Vernice “Flygirl” Armour as the keynote speaker.

In addition, SEDA highlighted achievements from 2021 and the Chairman’s gavel was passed from outgoing Chairman John Coleman to incoming Chairman Paul Hinchey.